- About Blog -
- Croatian -
Nema top listi. Nema vremenskih okvira. Nema okvira bilo kakve vrste.
Ovaj blog posvećen je Glazbi i Umjetnosti. Naš cilj je pronalaženje glazbenih dragulja koji nemaju rok trajanja, glazbe koja na neki način ostaje uz ljude i prati ih kroz vrijeme i prostor.
Blog je nazvan Rot@tions da bi simbolizirao ponovno preslušavanje glazbe. Glazbu slušate (vrtite) na gramofonu, traci, cd plejeru ili čemu god, pa ju slušate ponovno, pa opet, pa još jednom, iznova i iznova i svejedno, pjesme ostaju, ne padaju u zaborav... Njihove vrtnje postaju dio Vaših uspomena, vežu se sa različitim iskustvima iz Vašeg života, sa prijateljima, sa mjestima na kojima ste bili, sa mislima i osjećajima koje ste proživjeli... One postanu dio Vas.
Ovaj blog posvećen je glazbenim uspomenama. Nadamo se da ćete u njima uživati koliko i mi. ;)
No charts. No time-frames. No frames of any kind.
This blog is dedicated to Music & Art. Our aim is finding the musical gems with no expiration dates, the music that somehow "stays" with people, and follows them around, through time and space.
It is called Rot@tions to symbolise repeated playing of the music. You play it (rotate it) on a turntable, on a tape, on a CD player or whatever, and you play it again, and again and again... You play those songs over and over, and still, they don't fall behind... they stay. Their rotations become a part of your memories, they connect with various experiences throughout your life, to your friends, to places you've been on, to the thoughts and emotions you were having... They become a part of you.
This blog is dedicated to the musical memories. We hope you will enjoy them as much as we do ;)
- About Events -
- Croatian -
Kružno gibanje možemo vrlo lako primjetiti svuda oko sebe. Evo, npr:
Brzina vrtnje Zemlje oko svoje osi izračunata na ekvatoru iznosi otprilike 465.1 m/s. Brzina okretanja Zemlje oko Sunca u prosjeku iznosi oko 30 km/s. Naš Solarni sustav se vrti oko centra galaksije se nekih 220 km/s. Itd.
Stvari se vrte, posvuda, neke duže, neke kraće, neke konstantnim brzinama, a neke ne... Neke ljude to pomalo fascinira, neki o tome pišu dokt...orate, neke nije briga, no većina njih to uglavnom barem primjećuje. Djeca često crtaju kružnice, a dvije od njih možemo vrlo često primjetiti na dnevnom ili noćnom nebu.
No, na stranu cijela ta priča, nas ovdje zanimaju tek dvije kružne brzine. Jedna iznosi 33, a druga 45 RPM-a.
- English -
Angular movement may very easily be seen everywhere around us. For example:
Speed of Earth's rotation calculated on the Ecuador is aproximately 465 m/s. Average speed of Earth's revolution around the Sun is about 30 km/s. Our Solar system rotates around the centre of our galaxy with speed of around 220 km/s. And so on.
Things rotate, everywhere, some of them longer, some of them shorter, some of them spin at constant speeds, some of them don't. Some people get really fascinated by the whole thing, some even write their phd's on the subject, some however, don't care, but most of them at least notices it. Children often draw circles on their drawings, and two of them can very often be seen on the daily or on the nightly sky.
Aside from that whole story, we're mostly interested in two particular
angular speeds. One of them is at 33, and the other one is at 45 RPM's.
- About Podcast -
Yes, we have a Facebook Page too. We redirect all information about us there. Music we post to blog, events, current mood. Like us ;)
- About Stream -
Živjeli / Cheers !
- Croatian -
Tu i tamo zavrtimo nešto i snimimo podcast ili zamolimo nekog nama dragog da to učini :)
- English-
Sometimes we record a podcast or we ask someone to do that :)
- About Facebook -
- Croatian -
Da, i mi imamo Facebook Page. Tu su preusmjerene sve novosti, od glazbe koje se stavlja na blog i dogadanja, pa do trenutacnog raspoloženja. Like us ;)
- English-
Yes, we have a Facebook Page too. We redirect all information about us there. Music we post to blog, events, current mood. Like us ;)
- About Stream -
- Croatian -
Da bi ste vidjeli informaciju o uključenju u stream, morate nas pratiti na facebook-u jer se jedino tamo objavljuju informacije. Nema posebnog redosljeda.
- English-
To view information on joining the stream you must follow us on facebook, because there are only published information. No particular order.
Živjeli / Cheers !